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Unreleased Beyblades pg2


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Set-Ups are customized beyblades that people expeiremented with and made!

Dranzer is Kai's bit-beast also he is my beyblade!!!
  Cyclone C(Cycle)
Attack Ring : Driger S
Weight Disk : Driger S
Spin Gear : Any Right Rotation
BladeBase : Driger S

Also add a metal ball beside the spin gear, it will look like it is in the spot where you put the launchers little clippers!

Name: Cyclone because of wild movement and strength!

Creator: Alexander Jordan Vultaggio
Name By: Matthew Joseph Vultaggio

Dragon M(Master)
Attack Ring: Dranzer
Weight Disk: Dragoon Storm
Spin Gear : Dragoon Storm
BladeBase : Dranzer

Also add the Metal Ball(S) like In Cyclone C
Originally From Blade Cutter CHeck out For More Info on Blade Cutter!

Created By: Matthew Joseph Vultaggio
Name By: MJV

Ultimate Beyblading

Attack Ring: Both Of Galzzly
Weight Disk: Which ever is better!
Spin Gear : Dranzer S
Blade Base : Dranzer S

Created By: Teymoor Tanweer
Name By: MJV

ARing: Dragoon Storm
WDisk: Galzzly
SGear: Dranzer
BBase: Dranzer

This is a very good bblade! try it out!

Red Tornado
Attack Ring: Both Galzzly
Weight Disk: Dragoon Storm
Spin Gear : Roller Attacker
Blade Base : Dranzer

The reason both Galzzly attack rings are needed is for extra power and to make the tornado like look!