Launchs And Startegies
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Unreleased Beyblades

Unreleased Beyblades pg2


Beyblades Pg2

Launchs And Strategies


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Banking, Flipper and Striker Launch:
Lower Beyblade so you can see the stadium flat, then launch and it will go much faster and better!

Flipper Launch: Hold Beyblade upside down then quick flip and launch, it gives the beyblade a momentium but make sure it gets in the stadium!

Striker: Hold launch above stadium and point the attack blade part down then launch it will go crazy and will be pointing down and will have more strength!!!

Startegies on: Galzzly, Draceil S, Driger S, Dranzer S and Dragoon Storm!
Galzzly: try to stay attacking him but usely rely on endurance to defeat but go attack to weaken him!

Draceil S: Keep attacking Draceil every once and a while, Draceil will look like he is going good intil a sudden fall!

Driger S: Driger is very good and spins long and heavy, you must weaken Driger then attack to finish then relax and sit back!

Dranzer S: Try attacking often and then go at an endurance ending(Both beyblades spinning and not attacking!) and wait him out try attacking often and you will win!

Dragoon Storm: Try attacking a lot and destroy try to knock out or totally destroy!

Knock-Out and Side-Winder Launch:
Knock-Out: Try at the start of the match to shoot you beyblade right at the opponets this way right after your opponets launch if aimed correctly his beyblade will fly out!

Side-Winder: Tilt your bb to the side and launch this gives it more power!

Ask about launchs,startegies and to give me ideas about the 2!

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